Thursday, January 29, 2009


The SPEA Undergraduate Recognition Ceremony and Reception will take place at 7:00 p.m. at the IU Auditorium on Friday, May 8, 2009. There will be plenty of food (hors d'oevres, desserts, and beverages) and much merriment. This is SPEA's own special ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments of its seniors graduating in December 2008 and May, June, and August 2009.

You will receive additional information about these events at a later date.

Friday, May 8, 2009: SPEA Undergraduate Recognition Ceremony and Reception
IU Auditorium
7:00 p.m. - Reception
8:00 p.m. - Ceremony

Saturday, May 9, 2009: IU Graduation
10:00 a.m. - Assembly Hall

See you on May 8!

Want to earn some cash?

I sent this message out via e-mail, but I thought it would be a good idea to post it here as well:

My name is Michael Greene and I am an academics intern within the athletic department. I work with Jackie Strobel, our Tutor Coordinator, with our Tutor Program that provides services to all student-athletes to complement the classroom experience and assist with course content questions. We are looking to hire tutors for the SPEA introductory courses, V160, V161, and E162.

Typically we hire undergraduates who have recently been successful in the class, but we also hire graduate students and others who are qualified. We pay $11 per hour for graduates. If you have an interest in becoming a tutor for a SPEA course, please contact me at the information provided below.

Thank you for your assistance,
Mike Greene
Indiana University Athletics
Academic Services

If you are interested in tutoring (GREAT opportunity), be sure to contact Mike via his e-mail.

Snowed Out

For those of you trying to reach the office yesterday, we were not in due to the campus being closed. For those of you who had appointments with us, please call 812-855-0635 so we can reschedule as soon as possible!

During winter storms like the one we've had the past few days, be sure to keep an eye on

We are back in session today, however, so all appointments scheduled for today are still on and our walk-in hours are still from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Be safe and stay warm!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Walk-in Hours for January 26-January 30

Walk-in hours this week are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Remember, you must have your advisement report with you before you sign in.

Bear in mind that walk-ins are for admitted students with brief, specific questions or students adding a minor. If you do not fit these criteria, please call 812-855-0635 to schedule an appointment. We are now booking about two weeks out.

If you need to talk about studying abroad, a walk-in is not appropriate for you. Please schedule an appointment to speak with an advisor and don't forget to visit the Office of Overseas Study.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

SPEA Undergraduate Student Association Meeting Today 6:00

This was sent to your e-mail, but I thought I'd re-post as a reminder:

You are invited to attend the SPEA Undergraduate Student Association’s first meeting of the semester at 6:00 p.m. in the SPEA Atrium. SPEA USA is a new organization looking to improve the undergraduate experience. Thus, your input is paramount. If you are unable to attend but have comments or suggestions, please send an e-mail to We hope to see you there!

What: SPEA Undergraduate Student Association meeting
When: Thursday, Jan. 22 at 6:00 p.m.
Where: SPEA Atrium

Scholarship Deadline

The SPEA Scholarship deadline is tomorrow, January 23. Please visit the web site for more information and to apply. There is a wide variety of scholarships, so check them all out and see if you qualify. It never hurts to submit an application!

eDrop and eAdd

At this point, the waitlist has dissolved and if you want to adjust your schedule, you will need to use eDrop/eAdd via OneStart.

If you need help, the Office of the Registrar made these great screen print-out instructions:

For eDrop:

For eAdd:

For all late drop and late add procedure, please refer to the registrar’s guidelines:

Important Dates

Just wanted to highlight some important dates for you:

January 27: Last day for pass/fail option for first eight week classes
February 7: Last day for pass/fail option for full-term classes
February 11: Last day for course drop with Automatic "W" for first eight week classes
March 7: First eight week classes end (Final exams during week of March 2)
March 9: Second eight week classes begin
March 11: Last day for course drop with Automatic "W" for full-term classes
March 14: Spring recess begins after last class
March 23: Spring recess ends; classes resume at 8 a.m.
March 27: Last day for pass/fail option for second eight week classes
April 14: Last day for course drop with Automatic "W" for second eight week classes
May 2: Last day of classes (full-term and second eight weeks)
May 4-May 8: Final exam period (full-term and second eight weeks)
May 13: Grades are official as of this date. Term and cumulative GPA's are now available in Onestart Student Center.

I will be reminding you of these deadlines as they approach throughout the semester.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Walk-ins for the Week of January 19-January 24

Walk-in hours this week (and most weeks throughout the semester) are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Remember, you must have your advisement report with you before you sign in. Bear in mind that walk-ins are for admitted students with brief, specific questions or students adding a minor. If you do not fit these criteria, please call 812-855-0635 to schedule an appointment. We are now booking about two weeks out.

If you need to talk about studying abroad, a walk-in is not appropriate for you. Please schedule an appointment to speak with an advisor and don't forget to visit the Office of Overseas Study.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How to Find Your Advisement Report

1. Go to
2. Log in.
3. Click "Student Self Service."
4. You should see this screen. Click on "SIS Go to Student Center" (circled below)

5. Once you've clicked that, you should see this screen and click "My Academics & Grades."

6. Once you've clicked that, you should see this screen. Click "View My Advisement Report."

7. Once you've clicked that, you should see this screen. Select "Bloomington" and "Degree Progress & Transcript" from the given drop boxes (as selected and circled below). Then click "Go" and you should arrive at your Advisement Report. Make sure to select Expand All so that all of your information shows on the report. Please print and bring to all of your advising appointments!

Walk-in hours: January 12 - January 15, 2009

Walk-in hours for the first week of classes are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 1:00-3:00 p.m. YOU MUST BRING YOUR ADVISEMENT REPORT TO ALL APPOINTMENTS AND WALK-INS, SO PRINT IT BEFORE YOU COME!

Some of you ask, “Why do I need my advisement report? I just have one little question! It doesn’t even have anything to do with that!”

The answer is this: Your advisement report gives the advisor tons of information about your academic history and current registration. It shows exactly how what you’ve taken is fulfilling your degree requirements, as well as which requirements you have yet to fulfill. That is why it is so important to making walk-ins and appointments as productive and helpful for you as possible!

If you are concerned about the environmental ramifications of printing your advisement report, be sure to print it front and back, two pages per sheet, and recycle it once it’s become obsolete (for example: you’ve changed your registration, a grade has been changed).

As always, post your questions here or send me and e-mail ( and I’ll be sure to answer as soon as I can!

New Semester, New Speons, New Blog!

Welcome to the brand-spanking-new, SPEA Undergraduate Blog! This will be an up-to-date resource for you to check our hours for walk-ins, our policies for appointments, reminders, and deadlines. You will be able to post comments, ask questions, and have those questions answered! Please let us know what you think!